


Secret Service officials encouraged Donald Trump’s campaign to stop scheduling large outdoor rallies and other outdoor events with big crowds after the assassination attempt on the former president in Butler, Pa., according to people familiar with the matter.

In the aftermath of the shooting, agents from the Secret Service communicated their concerns about large outdoor rallies going forward to Trump campaign advisers, three people familiar with the matter said.

The people familiar with the matter spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussions.

For upcoming events, Trump’s team is scouting indoor venues, such as basketball arenas and other large spaces where thousands of people can fit, people familiar with the request said. The campaign is not currently planning any large outdoor events, a person close to Trump said.

A Trump campaign spokeswoman declined to comment. A spokesman for the Secret Service said the agency does not comment on its protective methods.

Trump has held hundreds of outdoor rallies since launching his first presidential bid, often bragging about — and sometimes falsely inflating — his large crowds. They have become something of a cult favorite among his most passionate fans, with tailgate parties in parking lots, vendors lining open areas near the rally and large parades of traffic, often with gargantuan pickup trucks.

They usually include large rosters of speakers before Trump takes the stage, with crowds sometimes enduring the heat or the cold for many hours. The crowd sometimes departs before Trump, who is regularly late, finishes speaking.

The rallies are often held at airports but are also held at fairgrounds, football stadiums or other large outdoor venues.

Sarah Matthews, a former Trump spokeswoman turned critic, said Trump would often get upset if people were not moved past the magnetometers quickly enough and the outdoor venues were not filling up quickly enough.

“We’ve seen from the early days of his presidency even, and before that during his first campaign in 2016, how important crowd size is to him. It gives him a lot of joy and energy being with large crowds. He feeds off their energy. It’s almost like a source of comfort for him,” said Matthews, who served as a deputy press secretary in the Trump White House.

Indoor rallies are more expensive, campaign advisers said. But one campaign official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private plans said the indoor events are inherently safer because it is easier to control who comes through a finite number of doors, and there are fewer line-of-sight issues.

“Obviously with an indoor venue, you have a capacity,” she said. “It doesn’t pack the same punch. There’s something about being at one of those outdoor rallies.”

The rallies have long been viewed as onerous by the Secret Service because they include complicated outdoor venues with thousands — if not tens of thousands — of people. Most other former presidents rarely appear in public, and when they do, they usually appear in settings such as conferences and restaurants with fewer people. Trump requires a much larger security footprint than other past presidents because he holds so many large events.

Agents usually arrive well in advance, putting together a security plan for the large outdoor venues.

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned Tuesday in the aftermath of the assassination attempt, telling staff that she took “full responsibility,” according to a copy of a letter sent to agency staff and obtained by The Washington Post.

In early 2024, Trump advisers told the Secret Service they were planning to do large events regularly, and would need increasing amounts of protection and assets, a person familiar with the conversation said. But the two sides often battled over resources — with requests from Trump’s detail being rejected by the Secret Service.

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Weeks of pent-up Democratic panic gave way to a historic flood of campaign cash for likely presidential nominee Vice President Harris this week, as allied groups reported massive fundraising hauls amid donor elation.

The coordinated Harris campaign reported Tuesday morning that they had raised more than $100 million from 1.1 million donors in the first 41 hours after President Biden announced he was stepping aside. FF PAC, also known as Future Forward, the largest outside group supporting Biden, announced $150 million in commitments in the first 24 hours after Biden’s Sunday afternoon announcement.

Some funds had been withheld during the weeks of concern over Biden’s path to victory after his stumbling, confused performance at a June 27 debate prompted calls to drop out. But major donors and fundraisers reported a newfound energy, both in donations to political groups that report the contributions and to nonprofits that do not, which are funding much of the organizing effort in key states that will benefit the Democratic candidacy.

“It really feels like a moment in history that we are going to talk about 10 years or decades from now. It is something we have not seen for a long time,” said Ning Mosberger-Tang, a major donor and former executive at Google, who announced plans to host a fundraiser for Harris in the coming weeks. “A lot of people including myself, we were paralyzed in the last few weeks. A lot of us were not giving money to anything. Now we are seeing the floodgates have opened.”

Dmitri Mehlhorn, a donor adviser and Democratic strategist, agreed that the flood of energy was directly related to the pent-up agony of the previous weeks.

“The financial situation is optimized for Democrats because the pressure campaign against Biden created a huge amount of tension that could have broken the Dem campaign organizations,” Mehlhorn said. “But it didn’t break. It snapped back like a bolt or catapult. Joe’s sacrifice has put people in the mode of sacrifice.”

Even those donors who had previously called for an open and competitive process to replace Biden have become resigned to the reality that Harris faces no major challenge for the job. Media mogul Mike Bloomberg, one of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, released a statement Monday morning calling on the party to take its time to settle on a candidate, saying the “decision is too important to rush.”

But within hours, it became clear that Harris was destined to have the support of a majority of delegates to the Democratic convention, who will vote in the coming weeks on the next nominee.

“It’s a done deal,” said John Morgan, a trial lawyer and major Biden donor, who had previously voiced his opposition to Harris leading the ticket. He said he was not sure that Harris could beat former president Trump, would not be donating to her and was not sure if he would vote in November, but if he did he would probably vote for her. He also observed that the amount of money flooding into Democratic coffers at this point made his decision to withhold cash inconsequential.

“Whatever money I have would be like pouring coffee in a full coffee cup,” he said. “So it is what it is. Now we just hold our breath.”

The boom in Democratic giving also follows a flood of announcements by major Silicon Valley donors that they were going to spend big to back Trump as Biden struggled to allay concerns about his health. Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen announced his support for Trump by saying Biden hadn’t made a big enough effort to build a relationship with the tech industry.

That criticism doesn’t apply to Harris at all, said Chris Kelly, a former Facebook chief privacy officer who ran against Harris for California attorney general in 2010 and is now a co-owner of the Sacramento Kings NBA team. He supports Harris’s run for president and plans to donate to her campaign. She is from the Bay Area and has a long history of interacting with and working with the tech industry, he said Tuesday. That makes people in Silicon Valley a lot more comfortable, Kelly said.

“Kamala Harris will have an open door and a willingness to reconsider some of the mistakes of this administration,” he said.

Parts of Harris’s old donor network — which has operated for years largely as a subset of Biden’s machine — held a donor call Monday that included multiple people from her 2020 presidential campaign’s finance committee.

“My sense is the donor community is so ready to get this done. We are so stoked and relieved,” said Susie Tompkins Buell, a major donor in the San Francisco Bay Area.

“I haven’t spoken to anyone who feels otherwise,” she added. “Women are on fire.”

Way to Win, a Democratic donor network devoted to winning the House, Senate and White House this year, also reported a boost in enthusiasm, hinging in part on the expectation that Democrats once again could have a path to winning the more southern battlegrounds of Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina.

“We got people coming in who had not committed for this cycle. And people who have committed, committing more,” said Jenifer Fernandez Ancona, a co-founder of the group. “A lot of people were saying the Sun Belt states were out of play. The Sun Belt is absolutely in play.”

Biden has canceled campaign events he had scheduled for the coming weeks, though campaign officials say some may be rescheduled. Fundraisers that first lady Jill Biden planned to headline will now be hosted by Doug Emhoff, the second gentleman. The Harris campaign also reported a massive increase in volunteer sign-ups, with 58,000 people in the first 48 hours, a sign-up rate that is 232 times larger than the Biden campaign’s daily average.

ActBlue, the Democratic-leaning processing agent for most Harris campaign donations, reported raising almost $47 million in seven hours after Biden’s announcement Sunday. The ticker on the company’s website recorded about $67 million in donations on both Sunday and Monday for all candidates and causes. Those totals are slightly below the record set on the site — $70.6 million on Sept. 19, 2020, the day after U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

A quarter-billion-dollar windfall over two days is enormous by almost any historical measure, though it is hard to compare directly with past elections because of changes to campaign finance law, federal limits and inflation. The $100 million coordinated campaign haul over less than two days compares favorably with the $85 million that the Biden campaign reported raising over the entire month of May and is similar to the $53 million that the Trump campaign reported raising in the 24 hours after his felony conviction in New York. A smaller 2000 predecessor to FF PAC, called Future Forward USA Action, raised $142 million in that entire cycle, according to OpenSecrets, a group that tracks money in politics.

Looked at another way, the 1.1 million contributors in 41 hours account for 1.4 percent of the 81.3 million people who voted for Biden in the general election in 2020. The campaign reported that most of the donations came from new donors to the campaign this election cycle, suggesting an expanded base of potential return donors over the next 103 days.

One campaign adviser reported that even donors who had long been private detractors of Harris were opening their wallets to make significant contributions. The crushing sadness and fear of the last three weeks had been replaced by a frenzy of enthusiasm.

“It’s intense It’s bonkers. It’s everybody,” said the adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss campaign fundraising. “This is why I love American politics. Just the adrenaline, the ups and downs. This has been the most intense roller coaster I’ve ever been on.”

Tyler Pager contributed to this report.

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Israel’s embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of Congress on Wednesday, an event that is expected to draw crowds of protesters and provide a sharp contrast between the United States’ two political parties in their evolving approach to one of America’s closest allies.

Netanyahu comes to Capitol Hill at a fraught time in both Israeli and American politics. Already a divisive figure before Hamas’s cross-border Oct. 7 attack that left some 1,200 Israelis dead and ignited the war in the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu faces a growing tide of dissent at home, where two-thirds of the Israeli public want to see him leave office.

In Washington, Netanyahu has come to embody the Biden administration’s frustrations with an ally that some officials see as having exploited America’s support to mete out excessive punishment to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Republicans, by contrast, have embraced Netanyahu — seeking to portray the right-wing leader as a cherished ally, betrayed and undermined by President Biden and the Democrats in Israel’s most critical hour of need.

Netanyahu’s speech Wednesday before Congress, in response to an invitation initially extended by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) alone, presents an uncomfortable moment for Democrats, who remain divided in their opinions of the U.S.-Israel relationship — an emotional topic for many voters — four months ahead of a turbulent presidential election.

Netanyahu landed in Washington on Monday, the day after President Biden announced he was quitting the race for a second term and endorsed Vice President Harris as his successor. Harris has been careful not to publicly diverge from Biden’s staunch support of Israel. But she was among the first high-ranking administration officials to speak emphatically about civilian casualties, question the way Israel has prosecuted its war against Hamas and viscerally express concern about the devastation in Gaza.

U.S. officials have insisted in recent weeks that they are close to reaching a cease-fire agreement between Hamas and Israel, but some still privately note that opposition to a deal from Netanyahu’s far-right government remains a major obstacle.

Dozens of Democratic lawmakers, including several Jewish members of Congress, are planning to skip Netanyahu’s speech on Wednesday afternoon in protest of his government’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza, which has killed some 39,000 Palestinians, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Harris and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the president pro tempore of the Senate, both turned down requests to preside over the joint meeting and will not attend, according to aides.

“People do not want to send a signal of support to Prime Minister Netanyahu and his extremist coalition,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who returned Saturday from a trip to the Middle East and is skipping the speech. “I refuse to be a prop in the political deception that Prime Minister Netanyahu is a great guardian of U.S.-Israel relations, when in fact, he and his extremist partners … are sabotaging that relationship.”

Capitol Police on Tuesday arrested scores of antiwar protesters who sought to occupy a House office building. Authorities erected steel barriers surrounding the Capitol grounds — a level of security reminiscent of the measures taken after the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, riot and attack on the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump — in anticipation of larger protests Wednesday.

Netanyahu’s critics in both Israel and the United States, including some families of hostages taken by Hamas on Oct. 7, have accused him of prolonging the war to further his own political survival. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) in March called the Israeli leader one of the four main obstacles to peace and urged Israelis to vote him out of office.

This will be Netanyahu’s fourth address to a U.S. Congress, the most that any foreign leader has delivered.

Johnson extended the invitation to Netanyahu months ago, effectively daring Schumer to refuse to sign on. “I cajoled him,” Johnson told an audience at the Republican National Convention last week, saying he believed Schumer only signed the invitation after he leaked the invitation to the press.

Schumer said in May that he was never opposed to inviting Netanyahu, because “our relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends any one prime minister or president.”

On Tuesday, Johnson also slammed Harris for skipping the event, which her aide said was due to a previously scheduled conflict and not a reflection of her views on Israel.

“Madam Vice President, you say you want to be the leader of the free world and yet you can’t bring yourself to sit behind our most important strategic ally in this moment,” Johnson said at a news conference. “That is not a good look for you. It’s not a good look for America. It’s not a good look for her party that she aims to lead.”

At least nine senators have already announced plans to skip the event.

“I will not be going to listen to Mr. Netanyahu,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said last week on MSNBC. “I think he never should have been invited.”

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who leads the Congressional Progressive Caucus, plans to speak at a counter-rally during Netanyahu’s address. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said she was giving her ticket to family members of the hostages. Rep. Delia C. Ramirez (D-Ill.) said she invited as her guest Harrison Mann, an Army officer who resigned over U.S. support for Israel, and said they will boycott the speech together.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the only Palestinian American member of Congress, has accused Netanyahu of carrying out genocide against Palestinians and said he is a war criminal who “should be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court.”

Many Democrats are still expected to be in attendance. Some chastised colleagues for their protest, echoing Republicans in their argument that the United States should continue to display a steadfast commitment to the Jewish state, regardless of politics.

“Israel is one of our most important strategic partners, and it’s a nation in the middle of an existential war with three Iranian-backed terror armies,” said Rep. Greg Landsman (D-Ohio) in a statement. “I encourage my colleagues to appreciate the need for bipartisanship in this moment, and to demonstrate our resolve for Middle East peace and stability.”

The vast majority of Democrats, including some who want to see the Biden administration put more pressure on Israel to accept a cease-fire, voted earlier this year to send billions of dollars in supplemental military aid to the Jewish state.

Even Democrats who said they will attend the address made clear their distaste for Netanyahu. “Benjamin Netanyahu is the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2100 years ago,” Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement Tuesday, calling the address “a cynical stunt aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home and meddling in domestic American politics only months before a highly consequential election.”

But the self-described “lifelong Zionist” said he planned to attend the speech anyway, out of his respect for the Jewish state and his commitment to an eventual two-state solution. “I feel my voice is more impactful in the room, holding the Prime Minister accountable,” Nadler said.

Biden and Harris are both expected to meet with Netanyahu this week. But White House officials have in private tried to distance themselves from the visit, telling people that they were not involved in the invitation, according to two people familiar with the talks who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations.

Netanyahu is no stranger to being incendiary in U.S. politics. He used his last address to Congress, in 2015, to blast the Obama administration’s efforts toward an Iran nuclear deal, infuriating the White House. The Israeli leader is expected to tread a more bipartisan line on Wednesday, although he and Biden have clashed in recent months over Israel’s war conduct and the provision of humanitarian aid to desperate Palestinian civilians.

Netanyahu has made little effort to disguise his preference for former president Donald Trump and the Republican Party, at one point this year addressing via video call a meeting of Republican senators, and dispatching two of his top diplomats to the Republican National Convention last week, where they spoke at an event alongside Johnson. Trump on Tuesday said that he plans to host Netanyahu for a meeting this week at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

“There really is only one true pro-Israel party and it is the Republican Party. We have been demonstrating that over and over and over,” Johnson told an audience at an event hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition at the RNC last week. “This is a moment for moral clarity, and it is unconscionable to us that the president of the United States and some of the leaders in the Senate are unable or unwilling to stand and say what is good and what is evil.”

In a letter Tuesday, Johnson threatened to have guests removed and arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and Capitol Police if they disrupt the event.

Yasmeen Abutaleb, Mariana Alfaro, Leigh Ann Caldwell and Marianna Sotomayor contributed to this report.

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Good morning and welcome to this week’s Flight Path. We saw a lot of weakness this week but so far the “Go” trend has held in U.S. equities. GoNoGo Trend has reflected the weakness with a couple of aqua “Go” bars late in the week. Treasury bond prices showed a weaker aqua “Go” bar as well but remained in trend. The U.S. commodities index saw the “Go” trend crack and an amber “Go Fish” bar was followed by a pink “NoGo” trend bar. The dollar, having flirted with a “NoGo” all week, saw GoNoGo Trend paint an amber “Go Fish” bar on Friday.

$SPY Sees Price Fall From Highs

Last week we noted the Go Countertrend Correction Icons (red arrows) indicating that price may struggle to go higher in the short term. Indeed, we saw another red arrow early in the week before price really fell away. GoNoGo Trend has painted 3 consecutive weaker aqua bars. GoNoGo Oscillator has fallen sharply to test the zero level from above on heavy volume. It will be important for the Oscillator to hold the zero line if we are to prevent a deeper price drop. We are at an area that could offer price support from recent congestion levels and so this will be an important week.

Although we still see a strong blue “Go” bar this week on the longer time frame chart, it is a lower weekly close. We also see a Go Countertrend Correction Icon (red arrow) telling us that in the short term price may struggle to go higher. GoNoGo Oscillator shows that momentum has waned and it is in positive territory but no longer overbought.

Treasury Rates Remain in “NoGo” Trend

This week saw a new lower low for treasury bond rates on the daily chart. Strong purple “NoGo” bars dominated the chart until Friday when price gapped higher and GoNoGo Trend painted a weaker pink bar. GoNoGo Oscillator is in negative territory at a value of -2. We will look to see if a new lower high is set this week.

More Uncertainty for the Dollar

Last week we talked about the uncertainty in the dollar. This week we saw a week where GoNoGo Trend painted mostly “NoGo” bars. However, as the week came to a close, we saw an amber “Go Fish” bar. Uncertainty book ends the few “NoGo” bars we saw in between. GoNoGo Oscillator is rising toward the zero line on heavy volume. We will watch to see if it stays in negative territory or if it can attack the zero line.

The weekly chart looks much the same as it did last week. The “Go” trend is hanging on and price is at levels that are above what should be strong support. GoNoGo Trend is painting weaker aqua “Go” bars after price fell from the last Go Countertrend Correction Icon. GoNoGo Oscillator is at zero, where we will watch to see if it finds support.

Friday was a bad day for CrowdStrike Holdings (CRWD) as a bug was pushed out that disrupted Windows machines worldwide. The trouble for CRWD is the follow-up lawsuits etc that will likely plague the stock for some time to come. You’ll be shocked to see the warning signs all over the chart that portended some kind of correction for CRWD even before the pandemonium.

Another special discussion was Carl’s newfound Bond ETFs that follow Treasuries of all time periods. These ETFs pay dividends once a month and act as owning Treasures but with the flexibility of an ETF. Do a search on for more information. Below is the list of ETFs.

Carl goes over the DP Signal Tables which look especially bullish right now. Things are as good as they can get, now what? Carl proceeds with giving us a complete review of the market in general as well as his thoughts on Bitcoin, Bonds, Gold, Crude Oil and more.

A review of the Magnificent Seven rounded out Carl’s portion of the trading room. Erin takes the reins and discusses today’s rotation back into growth and Technology. Can it last? Which sectors are lined up the best going into this week?

Erin finishes up the trading room with symbol requests that answer the question of whether to buy or sell or hold those stocks.

01:03 DecisionPoint Signal Tables

03:47 Market Overview

13:06 Magnificent Seven Analysis

16:05 CrowdStrike Chart

18:56 Treasury ETFs & Questions

27:18 Sector Rotation

34:33 Symbol Requests

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In this edition of StockCharts TV‘s The Final Bar, Dave breaks down today’s upside recovery day for stocks, then shares the charts of TSLA, NVDA, and more. He also illustrates the conflicting messages from AAII and NAAIM sentiment surveys, and also highlights the VIX testing the key 15 level.

This video originally premiered on July 22, 2024. Watch on our dedicated Final Bar page on StockCharts TV!

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A British-Canadian couple who were attempting to sail across the Atlantic have been found dead on an island off the east coast of Canada.

Brett Clibbery, 70, and his wife, Sarah Packwood, 60, had been sailing on their 42-foot sailboat the SV Theros, but their bodies were found in a lifeboat that washed up on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, according to a statement from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), published July 12.

The couple left Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia on June 11 en route to the Azores, a group of Portuguese islands in the mid-Atlantic, around 2,000 miles away.

They were reported missing on June 18 and their bodies were found on July 10.

It is not clear why the couple abandoned the Theros and got into a lifeboat. An investigation is ongoing, the RCMP said.

Sable Island is a 27-mile long sandbar around 186 miles southeast of Halifax. It is known as “the graveyard of the Atlantic” and there have been more than 350 recorded shipwrecks there since 1583, according to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

Clibbery’s son James paid tribute to his father and Packwood in a post on Facebook.

“They were amazing people, and there isn’t anything that will fill the hole that has been left by their, so far unexplained passing,” he wrote.

“Living will not be the same without your wisdom, and your wife was quickly becoming a beacon of knowledge, and kindness. I miss your smiles. I miss your voices. You will be forever missed.”

Clibbery and Packwood described themselves as adventure travelers and documented their trips on a YouTube channel named Theros Adventures.

The ill-fated voyage was part of what the couple called their “Green Odyssey,” which Clibbery said was intended to show that it is possible to travel long distances without burning fossil fuels.

“We have an electric boat,” said Clibbery in a video posted on YouTube on May 13. “We charge the engine with solar panels.”

The couple met by chance at a bus stop in London in 2015 when Clibbery was in Britain to donate a kidney to his sister, they told The Guardian newspaper in an article published in 2020.

The pair met every day for the few weeks after their first encounter, before Clibbery helped Packwood to care for her dying mother and she then looked after him after his kidney operation.

They stayed in touch after Clibbery moved back to Canada and Packwood visited him in Salt Spring Island near Vancouver, where the Theros was docked, in spring 2016.

“He took me on my first ever yacht trip and I loved it,” Packwood told The Guardian. “Brett proposed to me in the main cabin of the boat.”

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Five people were killed after a gunman entered a home for the elderly in Croatia on Monday and opened fire, according to the country’s public broadcaster.

A man with a firearm entered a private home for the elderly in the town of Daruvar, about 75 miles east of the capital Zagreb, and opened fire on the people who were present, Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) reported.

Five of the victims died immediately and the number of injured is still unknown, according to HRT. State news agency HINA has reported that some of those injured are still receiving medical assistance.

The gunman ran away but was later arrested near a cafe, according to HINA.

The investigation is ongoing and police have not provided additional details, HRT said.

“We are appalled by the murder of five people” in the home for the elderly, Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said in a post on social media.

“We express our condolences to the families of the victims and hope for the recovery of the wounded. I expect the competent authorities to determine all the circumstances of the terrible crime,” Plenković said.

Croatia’s Deputy Prime Minister Davor Božinović, Minister of Health Vili Beroš, and social policy minister Marin Piletić are travelling to Daruvar, the prime minister added.

This story has been updated.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will land in Washington on Monday to far less fanfare than he would have expected just a day earlier.

His highly-anticipated visit – chock-full of meetings with top US officials and a prized address to Congress – will now undoubtedly be overshadowed by US President Joe Biden’s stunning decision to drop out of the presidential race. But as detailed ceasefire negotiations aimed at turning a framework agreement into a final deal stretch into their third week, Netanyahu’s visit will still be critical to the prospects of a ceasefire in Gaza.

Senior US officials say a deal is within reach, but the prospects of a deal may hinge on the answer to one key question: Does Netanyahu actually want a deal?

The conventional wisdom in Israeli media, politics and on the streets of Tel Aviv would tell you that the answer to that question is no – that Netanyahu has much more to gain by prolonging the war and much more to lose by ending it.

The war has allowed Netanyahu to delay his share of accountability for the failures leading up to the October 7 attacks, rebuffing calls for new elections with stiff wartime resolve. His party’s prospects in the next election have actually improved in recent months. And the right-wing coalition partners keeping him in power have threatened to bolt if Netanyahu cuts a deal that ends the war.

Even Biden has said “there is every reason” for people to believe Netanyahu is prolonging the war in Gaza in order to stay in power.

There are also indications that Netanyahu is throwing up eleventh-hour obstacles to reaching a deal. He reneged on a key Israeli concession regarding allowing Palestinians unrestricted access to northern Gaza that was included in Israel’s latest ceasefire proposal and now appears to be insisting on Israel maintaining control of the Philadelphi Corridor, a 14km strip of land that serves as a buffer zone on the border between Egypt and Gaza. And publicly, his rhetoric has undermined confidence in Israel’s commitment to reaching a deal that could end the war.

And yet, Netanyahu and his negotiating team have also steadily engaged in negotiations, exchanging proposals with Hamas and bringing the two sides closer than ever to a potential deal. A growing share of the Israeli public, led by hostage families, is demanding the government strike a deal. And Netanyahu’s allies insist he is earnest in his desire to strike a hostage release deal – just the right deal, one that could allow Israel to resume fighting in Gaza.

That tension will be inescapable as Netanyahu heads to Washington, where he has often sought to bolster Israel’s standing in the US as well as his own political standing at home.

While Netanyahu will look to showcase the support he still has in Washington (and a standing ovation from a majority of lawmakers in Congress should do the trick), his visit will also be an opportunity for top US officials and lawmakers to push, prod, nudge and cajole him toward a deal – in both public and private.

Chief among those eager to make that case will be the US president, who will meet face-to-face with Netanyahu this week for the first time since Biden flew to Israel in October in a dramatic show of wartime support.

The warmth and sympathy that filled the air during that October visit is likely to be replaced by something much frostier.

Biden has grown steadily more critical of Israel’s war in Gaza – where more than 39,000 Palestinians have been killed, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health – and Netanyahu has resisted US pressure, often publicly thumbing his nose at the White House.

Even as he has maintained strong support for Israel, Biden became the first president since Ronald Reagan to withhold some US munitions to Israel – suspending shipments of 2,000-pound bombs in May amid concerns about civilian casualties in Gaza.

Netanyahu, meanwhile, has not only resisted US calls to rein in Israeli military operations in Gaza, but has used his defiance of the White House’s calls for restraint to bolster his political standing in Israel – including in a speech just days before his trip to the US in which he talked up his refusal to bow to Biden’s pressure to wind down the war and abandon a planned offensive in Rafah.

Biden’s decision to drop out of the presidential race just two days before he sits down with Netanyahu will unquestionably shift the dynamic between the two men even further – exactly how remains to be seen.

Netanyahu will be the first foreign leader to sit down with the now effectively lame duck president – albeit one who still has six months in office during which he will continue to steer US foreign policy.

Loosened from the constraints of electoral politics and with a keener eye on his legacy, how will Biden now approach Netanyahu, the future of the war in Gaza and US policy toward Israel? And to what extent will Netanyahu feel compelled to heed Biden’s pressure?

As the Israeli prime minister weighs that new dynamic, Netanyahu – a keen observer of US politics – may be looking to someone else as he decides whether to take a leap toward a ceasefire: former US President Donald Trump.

Trump has a track record of unflinching support for Israel and has been critical of Biden’s efforts to rein in Israel’s conduct in Gaza. During his speech at the Republican National Convention, he warned that the hostages “better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price.”

But Trump in April also urged Israel to get its war in Gaza “over with, and get it over with fast.”

And Netanyahu no longer enjoys the cozy relationship he once had with Trump.

Netanyahu will have plenty of opportunities to assess whether that sentiment still stands as he meets with Trump allies in Washington this week. There are currently no known plans for him to meet with Trump.

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Eight activists were participating as part of a Palestinian grassroots campaign called Defend Palestine, which calls on international volunteers to travel to the Israeli-occupied West Bank to protect Palestinians from Israeli settler attacks.

Two Americans and a German national were taken to hospital with suspected fractures after the attack, their campaign said, adding that another American volunteer suffered minor injuries. One of the Palestinian farmers was hospitalized.

They said they were accompanying Palestinian farmers to their olive fields, which they haven’t been able to access since October because of attacks by Israeli settlers. At some point, the group was approached by several young settlers on a hill.

“They sort of stood there for a while and then they came up to our group of international volunteers and they started hitting us with these thick wooden sticks almost like baseball bats,” Chen said.

Videos recorded by the activists show them trying to retreat as they were attacked. One of them immediately falls to the ground, another tries to shield himself with his arms as he is struck, and at least one is kicked in the leg and hit with a rock hurled by an attacker.

“We were doing nothing,” the Hummel said. “Our hands were up and we were backing up and trying to protect each other. So eventually, we tried to keep moving back because we had been hit so many times.”

Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan in the 1967 war and soon started settling Jews on the land. There are currently more than 700,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank. The international community however considers the area to be occupied and Israeli settlements there illegal. The Palestinians want the territory for a future independent state.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the United Nations’ top court, said Friday that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal, in an unprecedented opinion that called on Israel to end its occupation. It called on Israel to cease new settlement activity, evacuate settlers and make reparations for the damage caused.

‘Dire need’ for international protection

The IDF said it condemns any acts of violence, adding that its soldiers were sent to the scene and that it will operate to maintain security in what it considers its jurisdiction. It added that soldiers were dispatched to the scene and fired warning shots into the air, causing the attackers to flee.

But the activists said that when the soldiers arrived, they immediately pointed their guns at a Palestinian man who was accompanying the volunteers and fired shots in his direction.

The injured activists were taken for treatment by the Palestinian Red Crescent to a hospital in Nablus.

Pictures taken at the hospital showed the victims with multiple cuts and bruises across their bodies. The face of Hummel, the German activist, was severely swollen on the right side.

Mohammed Khatib, an organizer with the Defend Palestine campaign, said: “The attack today, not even 24 hours after the ICJ ruled that Israeli occupation is illegal and that settlers enjoy impunity when exercising violence, serves as further proof for the dire need for international civil protection in Palestine.”

Chen said the group didn’t expect to encounter violence but was “aware of settler violence” against Palestinians.

“Our injuries are very minor compared to what the Palestinians face every day,” she said.

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